Saturday, August 27, 2011

3 PIC Microcontroller & Wireless Transfer

3.3    PC software

We used the visual basic 6 language to transmit the control signal to the serial port.
The visual basic program gives ability to control the robot by the user orders.

3.4    PIC programmer

PIC microcontroller is able to run programs written in assembly, PicC and PicBasic. You can purchase the programmer, but it is too expensive. In our project we design a new circuit as shown in figure 3.2 that is programming PIC 16F876 chip. The programmer don’t require a separate power supply, put takes the power from the serial port of a PC.

Connection with the PC is made by a cable 1-1, 9 pin connectors, male-female.

Figure 3.4 Programmers for PIC microcontroller

Programming the PIC microcontroller family can be done by changing the wires of this programmer to the same name pins of the other PIC new chip.

Figure 3.5 The programmer for PIC16f876

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